Sunday, November 1, 2009

Still Water

I've got this potential music project that I've been putting some work into lately. Cheryl Denise is a poet I met in West Virginia, and she's working on putting together a CD with some of her poetry and contacted me about writing some music to go along with the poems.

We're still working out the details, but she sent me some of the poems that will be included on the CD, and I've been trying to compose some instrumental music around the feel of them.

This is the first piece I've completed. It's inspired by a poem she wrote about the Amish school shootings that happened in Lancaster County.

She ends the poem with a reference to the 23rd Psalm, so I continued the theme and named the song "Still Water". I don't have any idea if we'll end up using it, but here it is anyway.


vintage navelgazer said...

That's beautiful. All good gifts come from above and give us a glimpse of
God's goodness and beauty. Dad

luke enns said...


Mel said...

SO nice, Ben!

Bryan Moyer Suderman said...

Thanks for this, Ben. I think it's great. Looking forward hearing what else emerges from the project!

Dan Regier said...

Best moment: synchronized putting of pick in mouth at 1:50

Liz said...

so awesome once again... you got talent ben! totally agree with dan on the synchronized pick to mouth motion, very nice! let me know I can get hooked up with an album!