Thursday, January 1, 2009

2008 Bike Statistics

So the count is in and in 2008 I biked 1,697 miles (2,731 km).

322 of those miles (518 km) were biked with Andrea on our tandem.

Andrea doesn't keep an odometer on her bike, so I don't know what she biked on her own this year.

This is down quite a bit from 2007, when I biked 2,341 miles (3,767 km). The main reason for the difference, I think, is that I started a part time job in February that was only a mile from our house. So this year I was only biking out to the farm 2 times a week, as opposed to four or five times a week in 2007.

I don't have records of how far I biked pre-2007, because it gets so cold in Winnipeg that bike odometers stop working for a couple of months.

The amazing thing is that the only repair I had to make to my bike in all those miles was to fix one flat tire. It's even more amazing when you consider how many of those miles were spent riding on gravel roads with my thin little road tires. Good ol' Howard is one tough cookie.

1 comment:

luke enns said...

is howard the bike? i named mine the praying mantus. it's been so cold here lately that bike lights don't work for very long. i have to take mine inside every time. but its amazing that there's still quite a few cyclists in winnipeg this time o' year. happy biking dudes.