Friday, October 16, 2009

It's Fall!

I saw a hummingbird drinking from this feeder only seconds before! Seconds!

Andrea looking ready for fall. And for sleep.

This was my first attempt at cooking up polenta. The topping is pesto and fresh tomatoes. It looks pretty good, but I think polenta might be an acquired taste. Which I have not yet acquired.

Apples for applesauce! This was the best bushel of Jonathan's we've ever gotten. So sweet, so delicious.

Here I am cutting apples.
(Note to Self: This shirt makes me look pregnant.)


Foort & Ruth said...

Hey, good to get pics from you guys. We miss you guys.

vintage navelgazer said...

I think you may be right about polenta. I've made it a couple of times. The recipes sound so wonderful. The word, 'polenta' even sounds tasty. But when I make it, it tastes like mushy cornmeal that I tried to fry, or broil, or bake, but still...mushy cornmeal.

luke enns said...

andrea are you pregnant?!!!!??