My school district was nice enough (and desperate enough) to take the risk of hiring me as the district "expert" on vision impairments in the classroom. I have 14 students. 3 of whom I teach and work with in braille. My office is at Slate Creek Elementary and I work there, with one of my primary students, most of the time. It's great school and I feel really at home there. (You can click on the picture to move around.)
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This is a deck of beginner-braille flashcards I recently made for one of my students in first grade who is going blind quickly, but can still read print. Her teacher told me that she remembers things best when they're "pretty" and I knew she sees green on yellow best.

Come June, I will be in Winnipeg again for 7 weeks, as I continue to take graduate classes at the North Dakota School for the Blind (near UND) in Grand Forks. I write up my research project over the winter 2009-2010 and hope to graduate in May 2010.
I love that you study outdoors. I'm such a wuss about any chill in the air. Do you bundle up?
Sometimes I have to use a blanket, and if it's below 45 I usually don't go outside to study. But it's been gorgeous for quite a few Saturdays this winter---no blanket needed!
mmm, that looks comfy on your porch! almost makes me want to come and study with you! (almost STUDY. of course i want to come hang out with you) i don't have a porch, but yesterday I opened all of the windows and knitted for a few hours. It was so relaxing and wonderful.
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