Thursday, November 6, 2008


Ben here.

I'm currently trying to spend some of my free time adding a little insulation to our house. We have one of those old houses that seem to be so common around here that were, for some reason or another, built with very little insulation. Some parts of our attic have insulation, some parts don't. I don't think any of the walls do. So I'm starting in the attic, because it's the easiest to get to, and from what I read, it's the place that will make the most difference anyway.

The problem is that our attic is full of brown recluse spiders, and I'm just a little bit terrified of them. If you are not terrified of them, please look at this website:
(it's gross. don't click it if you have problems with gross things)

So I tuck my pants into my socks and my shirtsleeves into my gloves, and I have one of those lights on the end of a extension chord so the little freaks can't sneak up on me and it's all working out pretty well until I start thinking about what would happen if my light burnt out and I'm stuck in the pitch black on the far side of the attic.

So I invented one of those camping headlight things that all the cool people have. I used:
1) A bike light
2) A hat
3) Duct Tape

This is how I look when I'm just a little bit terrified.

Patent Pending, by the way. Don't try to rip me off.


Amy and Shawn said...

You're a funny man Ben.
Farm boys sure know how to get the job done!

Bryan Moyer Suderman said...

I don't know what looks scarier... the spiders (no, I didn't click on the link to see them) or you in your duct-taped headgear...

Glad you're blogging - looking forward to reading/seeing more!

spiderwart said...

nasty! reminds me of our two requirements of Mom and Dad before we would move into the basement... no fires and no spiders!

Love the pics from the farm by the way!

Mel said...

ick ick ick!! (not you, the spiders) that's really not a fun job, with all of those spiders crawling around up there. but it will be nice to have that insulated this winter!

Liz said...

i had to click and now i have to go to bed with those horrifying images in my head. and of course i had to look at them all very closely cause i kinda like that stuff but still get completely disgusted by it!! thanks ben-really not enough warning with that one! but now i am deeply worried for you. good luck insulating and may the force be with you!