Ich weiB nicht was loss mit mir ist heute Abend. Plotzlich vermiss ich diese Sprache. Diese interesante Sprache die ich uberhaubt NIE mehr benutze (as you can tell), aber die viel zu mich in meine fruhere Kindheit bedeutete. Es ist ein Stuck von mein Leben das ich nie benutze und das Leute hier nicht von mir verstehen. Und normallerweisse ist das OK.
Vieleicht wahre es verschieden wenn ich in Winnipeg noch wohnte. Dann wurde ich es mehr oft horen (in der Kirche, mit meine Oma, u.s.w). Aber hier in Kansas hore ich es nie-- nur selten wenn Leute ein paar Worter die sie auf Deutsch "kennen" und sagen wollen. Und es ist oft fur Leute die dies tun sehr spaBig und sie nennen es Deutsch aber es ist wirklich meistens Plattdiech und American accent. So werden meine Kinder (und ihre Kinder) auch vielleicht sprechen, aber fur mich ist es nicht wirklich sehr witzig; es ist nur schlechtes Deutsch. (: (Unlike this blog entry...ha!)
Aber es ist nicht dass ich eigentlich es benutzen will oder uberhaupt von es sehr oft denke. Nur selten. Aber heute war so ein Tag. Meine Oma hat wieder angerufen und ich konnte beinah nichts auf Deutsch sagen weil mein Gehirn nicht verwohnt ist in diese Sprache zu denken (as you can tell). Heute wollte ich etwas zu meine Freudin sagen von ein "large intentine" und (obwohl ich nichts zu ihr sagte), konnte ich nur an das Wort "Dickdam" denken. Und ihr weiBt warum, recht? Weil ich (wir) lernten Gesundheit auf Deutsch mit Herr Kampen in der sechste Klasse.
Hier sind ein paar Deutsch Worter die Ben muBte von mir endlich nur lernen weil ich nicht eine gute ubersetzung wusste: unverschamt, ausgelassen, zu drengen (doesn't come up very often), brumsch, Schippe (ok, ok---dust pan---but it never comes to me nearly as fast as Schippe), eisig kalt. And now perhaps 'dickdam'.
Hey, thanks for letting me get that out of my system. It was theraputic for me. Probably brutal to read, but theraputic.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Herds of ducks
There is a creek very close to our house, so we tend to get a lot of creek-loving animals like ducks, herons and raccoons around our place.
Although we've lived here for over 2 years now, I've never seen the ducks do this before:
They come in these big groups of maybe 15 and go all crazy trying to find as many acorns off the ground as they can and swallow them whole. Very weird.
Although we've lived here for over 2 years now, I've never seen the ducks do this before:
They come in these big groups of maybe 15 and go all crazy trying to find as many acorns off the ground as they can and swallow them whole. Very weird.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Ben here.
I'm currently trying to spend some of my free time adding a little insulation to our house. We have one of those old houses that seem to be so common around here that were, for some reason or another, built with very little insulation. Some parts of our attic have insulation, some parts don't. I don't think any of the walls do. So I'm starting in the attic, because it's the easiest to get to, and from what I read, it's the place that will make the most difference anyway.
The problem is that our attic is full of brown recluse spiders, and I'm just a little bit terrified of them. If you are not terrified of them, please look at this website: http://www.surviveoutdoors.com/emergency/spiderbites_recluse.asp
(it's gross. don't click it if you have problems with gross things)
So I tuck my pants into my socks and my shirtsleeves into my gloves, and I have one of those lights on the end of a extension chord so the little freaks can't sneak up on me and it's all working out pretty well until I start thinking about what would happen if my light burnt out and I'm stuck in the pitch black on the far side of the attic.
So I invented one of those camping headlight things that all the cool people have. I used:
1) A bike light
2) A hat
3) Duct Tape
I'm currently trying to spend some of my free time adding a little insulation to our house. We have one of those old houses that seem to be so common around here that were, for some reason or another, built with very little insulation. Some parts of our attic have insulation, some parts don't. I don't think any of the walls do. So I'm starting in the attic, because it's the easiest to get to, and from what I read, it's the place that will make the most difference anyway.
The problem is that our attic is full of brown recluse spiders, and I'm just a little bit terrified of them. If you are not terrified of them, please look at this website: http://www.surviveoutdoors.com/emergency/spiderbites_recluse.asp
(it's gross. don't click it if you have problems with gross things)
So I tuck my pants into my socks and my shirtsleeves into my gloves, and I have one of those lights on the end of a extension chord so the little freaks can't sneak up on me and it's all working out pretty well until I start thinking about what would happen if my light burnt out and I'm stuck in the pitch black on the far side of the attic.
So I invented one of those camping headlight things that all the cool people have. I used:
1) A bike light
2) A hat
3) Duct Tape
Monday, November 3, 2008
Perfect day for a ride...
Yesterday, Ben and I biked out to the farm. This is one of my favorite things to do. Especially on a beautiful, sunny Sunday afternoon.
These pictures were taken from the back of the bike. It took some skill to get the camera out while riding, but master it I did.
Biking to the farm is one of those things in life that I wanted to at least attempt to capture.

These pictures were taken from the back of the bike. It took some skill to get the camera out while riding, but master it I did.
Biking to the farm is one of those things in life that I wanted to at least attempt to capture.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
We've resisted the blog movement for a while, but as time goes on and more and more of our friends start blogs, we've realized that it's actually pretty fun to read your friend's blogs and look at their pictures. Plus, it's a let less invasive than mass e-mails.
So this is our blog. I don't know how often we'll update it. Read it if it interests you but we won't be offended if we meet you at a party and you don't know what our latest post was about.
P.S. If you don't know, David and Elisabeth are our middle names. Security through obscurity!
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