Christmas 2008 was my third Christmas away from my Winnipeg home.
Ben and I are trying to stick to the every-other-Christmas schedule, so this year was our turn to stick around here. And it has been lovely. Of course, I still did get homesick at times, especially in the beginning of December, when I imagined our house in Winnipeg being transformed into what I like to call a Wonderland. My mom is so good at making coming home feel good. I remember coming home from a dreary day at University on miserably cold nasty days, and knowing that in a few moments I would walk into my safe, festive and cozy house, usually to the sound of some great CD playing, usually to the smell of something good baking, and knowing that there was very likely going to be someone home who was just waiting to sit down over a mug of tea and talk.
Certain Christmas songs like O Du Frohliche make me want to bawl everytime. And of course, Christmas Eve has a soft spot in my heart that literally feels like a punch in the gut when I'm not able to spend it with my family. This year, however, I felt a lot more prepared than last time. I purposely volunteered to help lead the Christmas Eve service so I be able to expend my energy elsewhere besides being homesick and although I still miss the feeling of a full house, I feel very at home here, and we always make sure to have a lot of people over.
Ben and I decided to continue our tradition of making bad verenike on Christmas Eve Day. We successfully ruined them again. This time it was because I bought the regular cottage cheese instead of the dry. What a wonderful and time consuming tradition. (We actually really did have fun.)
After the Christmas Eve service, we made a fire on our driveway. It was a perfectly still, mild night, and we sat there swaddled in blankets with mugs of steamy goodness. It was no Klassen family gathering at Tante Karin's house, but it was a close second.
The festivities are still going on, with several more family gatherings to come. We feel so blessed and fortunate to have so many people, both in Winnipeg and Newton who make our lives so rich. Maybe we'll post some of our New Years pictures in our next post. I think we're having a party...(but don't tell everyone).