Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lazy Saturday

In the craze of May, Ben and I enjoyed a surprisingly relaxing Saturday at home. Here are some home developments...
I painted the livingroom again. I painted it Ansonia Peach and the woodwork white. I really like it. It's bright and fresh.

Today we deep cleaned the sun room. One of the things we had to move out of the sun room that had not been touched in a long time (in over 4 years) was Ben's dulcimer... We were taking a break from moving furniture, when I heard a sudden burst of long-forgotten melody coming from the living room. I'm not sure it's a full revival, but it was cool to see him play after so long. (He gave me permission to post this.)

And here are some pictures of Newman and me having a love-fest. Newman just got groomed so he's extra cuddly these days.


Hesston College News said...

love the second image of you and Newman--great photo!

Anonymous said...

Loved "being" in your home and listening to the wonderful music. Looking forward very much to seeing you both in Winnipeg soon!
Love, Tante Etta

Bryan Moyer Suderman said...

Beautiful! And not bad (to put it ridiculously mildly) after not playing the dulcimer for 4 years!

You folks just keep making it more and more attractive to come and visit Newton more often! Thank you!